+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

Today, as I write, I am overcome with thankfulness to our Heavenly Father. Thankful for His mercy and His grace, for His tender Love and care for us. Today was a difficult day for me because two matters that I was aware of, both came to a head at the same time, and both needed to be resolved before the end of the day.
Did I feel pressured? I did. Did I feel helpless? No!

I took my own advice from “Thought for today.” on May 18th. “He helps our infirmity”. I sought the Lord. I thanked Him for deliverance from these two difficulties and then set to praying and praising Him in tongues. As I praised Him in tongues, I thanked Him in my mind. I thanked Him for All His blessings and benefits. I believed He would deliver me.

Can you believe it? I fell asleep praising Him in tongues! I was woken by my phone buzzing. A tradesman was coming at 3 pm. to fix problem #1.
Hallelujah! I kept praising Him in tongues and in my understanding. I rang my mechanic at 3:30 pm to find out how much work needed to be done on my car so it would pass its safety test. He told me the car passed without any problems, he didn’t even need to service it. Amen. This car is 14 years old. Praise Him.

Was it my wonderful, powerful, masterful prayers that resolved these situations? No!
Sure I thanked the Father for deliverance, but then all I did was praise Him, praise Him and praised Him some more, in tongues and in the understanding. I believe that the Father worked big time on these two men’s hearts to go the extra mile to help me because that is what He does.

And so to Romans chapter 8 v 28. The context is helping our infirmity, not knowing what to pray for as we ought. The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with tongues.
Can I encourage you to read again that “Thought for today”
After all this comes verse 28,  “And we know that all things work together ( Co-operate) for good to those who love God”
I saw that today: The Father’s tenderness and care. He has no favourites. He loves us all, even the one’s who fall asleep while praying.
Thank you Father, Thank you Father!

Can I encourage you to allow Him to continue making all things work together for good for you, because you love Him?

Have a glorious day!