+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

Romans 12 v 2 states, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
This verse is very clear. We are not to be conformed (moulded /fashioned) to this world, and the thoughts and practices of it, but our Heavenly Father desires us to be transformed (changed utterly) by the renewing(renovation) of our minds. The purpose being that we might prove (by testing) what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for our lives.

I spent 21 years being conformed, moulded and fashioned to the thoughts and practices of this world before, by the Father’s grace, I received salvation. Living in this world, without the Father’s love and blessings was hard for me. I found it to be without truth, love, honesty and hope. That October day in 1979 when, by the Father’s grace, I received salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit, my life was changed forever. Praise Him!

Psalm chapter 23 v 7 states, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he… “
We are what we think we are. It is as simple as that. If we fill our minds with the things of this world: selfishness, nastiness, dishonesty, greed and lust, that is what we become.
The Father desires us to be transformed / changed by the renewing /renovation of our minds. He would like us to discard those old thoughts and consequently that old lifestyle and renovate our minds with His thoughts, His scriptures, and begin to prove by trial what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

When you renovate your house or apartment you discard all the old soiled furniture , paint it up and decorate it and bring in new furniture, fittings etc.
So it is with our minds. As we read and meditate upon the Lord’s scriptures we begin to think spiritual thoughts and consequently our lifestyle and practices change also, we are transforming as we renovate our minds with His will for us. Amen!

Speaking in tongues also plays it’s part in mind renovation but that can wait until tomorrow!
Our Heavenly Father desires us to change our thoughts, to concentrate on the spiritual and discard the wisdom of this world so that we can enhance our relationship with Him and become more Christlike.

Can I encourage you to meditate upon His scriptures and be transformed?

Have a glorious day!