+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

The importance of speaking in tongues in mind renewal.

In the previous “Thought for today”, we read of the Lord’s desire for us to be transformed from the thoughts and practices of this sense oriented world, by the renewing (renovation) of our minds with His word, His will, His scriptures. The purpose being that, not only are our thoughts to be His thoughts, but our lifestyle will become the lifestyle He desires for us. Romans 12 v 2.

So what is the Holy Spirit’s role in this process? How can speaking in tongues be of assistance to us?
Let’s search the scriptures together and find out. The Holy Spirit, our Comforter is on call for us 24/7. How do we know that? Because, by our Heavenly Father’s grace, we can speak in tongues at any time of the day and night. He is always there to give us the utterance, Acts chapter 2 v 4. Likewise, He can assist us with renewing/renovating the mind.

Let’s review Romans 12 v 2 again.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
We dealt with “Conforming with the thoughts and practices of this sense oriented world” in some detail in Part 1.
Renewing/renovation of the mind is not just a matter of reading the scriptures but of understanding them as well. Here’s where the Comforter comes into His own. John 16 v 13, “However, when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth….”
In John 17 v 17, Our Lord Jesus implores the Father to “Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth.”

Part of our Comforter’s skillset is to guide(to show the way/lead by the hand/teach) us into all truth. The Comforter will not force Himself upon us. We just need to ask Him if we do not understand portions of scripture. How do we receive that information? He breathes it into the spirit within us( John 3 v 8) and it nestles in our renewed minds. I can’t explain it, but I know it works. You just have to try it, it is great fun. You don’t always receive your answer immediately, you must have patience and expect to hear from your Comforter.

1 Corinthians 14 v 4 states,  “He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself.” As we enjoy praising the Lord in tongues, we are edified/built up. Where? In our spirit? Our spirit is perfect, we are one with the Father spiritually.
1 Corinthians 12 v 13, “… And have all been made to drink into one spirit.” What we have within us is both Holy and Spirit, believe me, it doesn’t need to be charged up or edified. The context of this chapter is edification, encouragement and comfort in the renewed
mind, (chapter 14 verse 3) by prophetic word and interpretation of tongues(chapter 14 verse 5).

As we speak in tongues, the Comforter edifies our renewed mind, encourages and comforts us with the Father’s truth ready for us to understand and “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

So here we have it. To be transformed the Father desires us to renew/renovate our minds. We can only achieve this if we understand His truth.
We can turn to the Comforter for understanding and we can praise Him in tongues for edification (truth building).

All that lies ahead then, is to “prove” that spiritual knowledge, to think the Father’s truth, to live in the Father’s truth and enjoy utter transformation. To live in that “good and acceptable and perfect will of God. “ Hallelujah!


Have a glorious day!