+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

Words of knowledge, Words of wisdom and the Working of a miracle manifested.

Today, as we read Mark chapter 6 verses 34 to 44, I would like to focus upon the workings (Greek: energemata) of the Holy Spirit that flowed through the Spirit, that was upon our Lord Jesus, to solve a huge need that confronted Him: i.e. how to feed approximately 5,000 of His followers.
Can I encourage you all to read and read again these 11 verses: as always, asking the Holy Spirit to teach us and lead us into all of their divine truths. Hallelujah!

Let’s read together:

verse 34

“And Jesus, when He came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and He began to teach them many things.”

verse 35

“And when the day was now far spent, His disciples came unto Him and said ” This is a desert place, and now the time is far passed:”

verse 36

“Send them away, that they may go into the country round about, and into the villages, and buy
themselves bread: for they have nothing to eat.”

Having been moved by compassion, our Lord Jesus began to teach approximately 5,000 of His followers. As the evening approached, they stood before Him with
“nothing to eat”. The disciples solution to this need, using their 5 senses, was to send them away to buy bread.

This would have been a logistical nightmare, especially as some of those before Him had been carried there, unable to walk: some had probably made the journey there on crutches: some, that were blind, led there by the hand of a loved one.
To the Son of God, already moved by compassion, this problem needed a heavenly solution. Being a man of constant prayer, I know He began to seek His Father for such a solution. The solution arrived courtesy of a Word of knowledge, from His Father, through the Holy Spirit that was upon Him, that was totally at variance with any 5 senses solution.

bread in basket

verse 37

“He answered and said to them “Give them to eat..”

Here was the Father’s perspective on the problem at hand: here was the Father’s will.
Interestingly enough, these words imply that there is a food source available there to meet this need. Interesting!

verse 37 continues

“And they say unto Him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat?”

Again, they look to the senses instead of the Heavenlies.

verse 38

He saith unto them, “How many loaves have ye? go and see….”

How did our Lord Jesus know there were loaves there? Again He receives
spiritual information: a word of knowledge. So certain is He of this knowledge that He asks them to “go and see.”

verse 38 continues

“And when they knew, they say, “Five and two fishes.”

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Our Lord Jesus then receives a word of wisdom. A word of wisdom will always be given by the Holy Spirit to complement a word of knowledge.
Wisdom is knowledge applied: a word of wisdom is no different, except of course that it’s source is our Heavenly Father not the 5 senses. It basically informs us of what actions to perform, or how to apply the word of knowledge received.

verse 39

“And He commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon the green grass.”

verse 40

“And they sat down in ranks by hundreds and fifties.”

His disciples must have been scratching their heads as He gave instructions to the 5,000 to recline in table formation(companies) upon the grass in groups of 50 and 100. Where did these instructions originate? – by way of a Word of wisdom. Remember He only had 5
loaves and 2 fishes to set before them. I believe the manifestation of faith kicks in when the Word of wisdom is acted upon. You know that you know a miracle is on the way. No doubts!

I have experienced this in my walk with the Father. Think back yourself. I guarantee it has happened to you. Maybe you were praying for the needs of others: our Father encourages you with spiritual knowledge
and you absolutely know that you know that you know that He will supply, miraculously, their needs. All praise to

verse 41

“And when He had taken the 5 loaves and the 2 fishes: He looked up to heaven, And blessed, And brake the loaves, And gave(them) to His disciples to set before them; And the 2 fishes divided He among them all.”

two fishes in a plate

I would have to say that our Lord Jesus did not need a word of wisdom to look to heaven and thank the Father for blessing the loaves and fishes: He was a man of
constant prayer. The breaking of the loaves and distributing to His disciples and the division of the fishes was wisdom from above; which when adhered to, allowed the power of the Holy Spirit to flow through Him, and the miracle manifested. Amen!

verse 42

“And they did all eat, and were filled.”

verse 43

“And they took up 12 baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes.”

verse 44

“And they that did eat of the loaves were about 5,000 men.”

I had hoped to spend some time reflecting upon this wondrous miracle, which the Father did by Him, having received, through the Holy Spirit, Words of knowledge and words of wisdom and the manifestation of Faith, that has no unbelief, and also the encouragement to us, as Spirit filled believers, to seek these same spiritual blessings as we minister to and pray for the needs of others.
This we will do in Part 2.

I thank the Father for blessing you all this day, and pray, like our brother Paul, that the Father of glory would give unto us spiritual wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.

Amen and Amen!

Have a glorious day!