+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

It was interesting to note that in the miracle of the “Feeding of the 5,000,” as detailed in Mark chapter 6 verses 34-44, our Lord Jesus perceived the problem that confronted Him through spiritual eyes. In contrast His disciples viewed the matter purely through the 5 senses.
If we desire to witness the power of the Holy Spirit flowing through us, like our Lord Jesus, we too must rely upon spiritual knowledge and wisdom, from the Holy Spirit, and disregard that which our 5 senses encourage us to do, as we endeavour to bless others with the spirit.

There are 9 manifestations of the Holy Spirit detailed in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 verses 8 to 10: Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Faith, Gifts of healing, Working of miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of spirits, Kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
Four of these manifestations are evident in Mark chapter 6 verses 34 to 44, as discussed in Part 1.

Let us read what the scriptures reveal to us about these manifestations/workings/demonstrations of the spirit.

1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 6.

“And there are diversities of operations,(workings)but it is the same God which works( energizes) ALL in ALL.”

Those who have, by the Father’s grace, received His salvation and consequently the gift of the Holy Spirit have the spiritual ability to allow these 9 manifestations/operations of the Spirit to flow through them.
This verse makes it clear however: “….it is the same God which works allĀ (all 9 manifestations) in all (all those who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit). We are merely a conduit through whom the power of the Holy Spirit flows.

2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”

Hallelujah! Praise Him!

You will notice that I do not refer to these 9 manifestations of the Spirit as “Gifts”. I believe that to be an erroneous translation and has caused much confusion in the Church. These manifestations flow from the Holy Spirit through our spirit according to the situation that confronts us as we endeavour to bless others.

In the Church today we have men and women proclaiming, “I have the gifts of healing, I have the manifestation of Faith, I have the gift of Word of wisdom and knowledge…..”
I ask, “who is receiving the glory?” Verse 7 above is very clear: “.. that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.”

1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7

“But the manifestation (demonstration) of the Spirit is given to EVERY man to profit withal (Literally: for profiting i.e. for the profit of others).”

Again the scriptures establish that these 9 manifestations are available to flow through us, from the Holy Spirit, and adds more spiritual information: they are designed to profit/ benefit others, not ourselves.

1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 2.

“And though I have (the gift of: is italicized and has been added by the translators as seen in the KJV) prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity(Greek: agape: love) it profiteth me nothing.”

The Father encourages us to let love be our motivation as we allow the Holy Spirit to flow through our spirit into the lives of those who have needs, by means of the manifestations of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 11

“But all these(manifestations) worketh (are energized by) that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He(God) will.”

The Father’s will is written down for us in His holy scriptures: He will uphold every promise faithfully. He desires to see the power of the Holy Spirit flow through us just as it flowed through our Lord Jesus.

Romans chapter 8 verse 26

“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmity: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought:…”

Only our Heavenly Father knows what is in the heart of an individual who has a need: we don’t. That is why we are given words of wisdom and knowledge so that we not only have the knowledge about a certain situation but we are also given wisdom as to what to do with that knowledge. As we obey that wisdom the manifestations of Faith, Miracles and Gifts of healing will come to pass in their lives.

Can I ask you to examine all the scriptures in the Old Testament, the Gospels and the book of Acts where miracles, healings and deeds of great faith occured; search for the words of knowledge and wisdom that preceded those outpourings of the Holy Spirit; ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into all truth: it will encourage you as you step out in faith asking the Father for spiritual knowledge and wisdom concerning those that require a miracle, require a gift of healing or maybe a deed of great faith in their lives.

John chapter 14 verse12

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go
unto my Father.”

Here is our commission:
Our Lord Jesus is encouraging us to do the works(manifestations) of the Spirit that He did in His earthly ministry. Some find that to be incredulous; I do not. If I were to be reliant upon my power I would agree with that assertion but He has placed that gift of the Holy Spirit within us, by grace, and that power is what we rely upon. Hallelujah!
We give Him all the glory!

As we study the Old Testament and the Gospels for examples of miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit you will not come across Kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues: they were not available until the day of Pentecost. I believe them to be part of the ” greater works” that our Lord Jesus spoke of and are evident in the book of Acts.

We have studied in depth the miracle of the “Feeding of the 5,000” in Part 1. In Part 2 we have examined the doctrine or right teaching concerning the manifestations/workings of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians. It is apparent that our Heavenly Father desires us to let these 9 manifestations flow through us as we minister to those who have needs, with love as our motivation and for the profit/ benefit of others. Our Lord Jesus encourages us in John’s Gospel “.. the works that I do shall he do also..”

There are many people around us who need a miracle, who need a gift of healing, who require spiritual faith: you can stand in the gap for them. Ask Him for a word of knowledge for them, pay no attention to our 5 senses, and simply obey the wisdom He gives: please let me know the results.

Have a glorious day!