+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

A Christian friend messaged me last night and asked would I pray for their family, who are undergoing some difficulties at the moment. As I read the list of difficulties, for a moment I felt overwhelmed, but I encouraged them and told them of course I would lift them to the Lord.
As I thanked the Father for deliverance for this family my words seemed inadequate and I knew I needed to ask for help from the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8 v 26,27 are my “go to” verses in situations like this.” Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmity (in the Greek infirmity is singular) for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

What is our infirmity/weakness? We know not what we should pray for, as we ought. That is how I felt, so I started to pray in tongues. Why? Because as you pray in tongues, the Spirit makes the intercession for you. He inspires the tongues that you speak, those groanings that cannot be uttered by the man of body and soul.
V27 “And He that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”

When I pray with my understanding, I don’t always know all the details of the person I am praying for, but the Holy Spirit does. He searches the hearts. He knows what the real problem is. That word “searches” means like a hunting dog on the scent of game. The Holy Spirit will keep searching until He finds the problem. And as He knows the mind of God, He will make intercession for the saints. He will give us the correct tongues to speak, spiritual intercession, according to the will of God. We have done all we can and we leave it to the Father. That is some deal. Thank you Father!

Why don’t we speak in tongues all the time when intercession is required? The Apostle Paul answers that question in 1 Corinthians 14 v 14 he says, “I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also.” Our Heavenly Father desires us to do both.

Can I encourage you to pray much, both in the spirit and in the understanding also? It is God’s will for us; those prayed for are blessed and those praying are blessed also.

Have a glorious day!