+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

In Part 1 of this message, I promised that I would share a scripture that would illustrate perfectly how we receive information from the Holy Spirit. That verse is John 3 v 8 “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone that is born of the Spirit.”

You may ask yourself why is there a verse on wind placed in a chapter that exclusively speaks about the Holy Spirit and being born again spiritually?
2 Timothy 2 v 15 encourages us to “Study to show ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Together, let us work the word of truth and attempt to rightly divide it using a simple Strongs Bible Concordance.

Wind in Greek language means pneuma, which is translated spirit. It is used 381 times and wind is used once. As the context of the chapter is spiritual rebirth you would have to query why the scribes translated the word wind.

Blows in Greek is pneo. It means to breathe or to blow. Sound in Greek means phone. It is translated voice 131 times and sound is 8 times. Again in the context of spiritual matters, you would rightly question why it was translated sound.

Let’s see how this verse shapes up if we insert the Corrected words.
“The spirit breathes where it wishes/wills, and you hear the voice of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
Why do I find this so exciting? because 2 Timothy 3 v 16 states, “All scripture is given by inspiration( breath—pneustos)of God…”
In Acts chapter 2 v 2 it states, “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind( pnoe— heavy breathing)

When our Heavenly Father, who is spirit, or the Comforter breathes into our spirit; spiritual information or spiritual power is always imparted. in 2 Timothy, Scripture was breathed out. In Acts 2, the Holy Spirit was imparted and the 12 Apostles spoke in tongues.

Let’s go back to John chapter 3 v 8, “The spirit breathes where It wishes..” We cannot force our Heavenly Father or the Comforter to breathe information into our spirits, it arrives as they wish, usually just as we are ready to understand it. “… and you hear the voice of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes.”
Because it is a breath, it is just like a whisper, you don’t hear it audibly, it is more like an impression that connects with our spirit and then transfers to the mind of Christ that is within us. We don’t see it coming or going because it is spirit.

“So is everyone that is born of the Spirit” This information from the Father and the Holy Spirit is available to all who have been blessed with the Spirit of God, not just the Internet evangelists and the great teachers of our time. The Holy Spirit desires to communicate with you.

Can I encourage you to converse with the Holy Spirit? Please ask Him to clarify scripture for you. Ask Him to teach you all things and to lead you into all truth. And then all you have to do is listen and patiently wait for that whisper, that breath, that inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

It takes patience to be able to distinguish between spiritual inspiration and thoughts of your mind, but it’s great fun learning. For me, personally, praising Him in the spirit by speaking in tongues just gets me into that thankful, expectant, worshipful listening mode, but for you it could be something different. Have joy working it out.

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If you have the spirit of God, your Comforter, your helper wants to teach you all things, to guide you into all truth. All you have to do is ask.

Have a glorious day!