+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

Today we meditate on Acts chapter 12 v 5.

The context of Acts chapter 12 v 1-4 is that Herod the King had imprisoned Peter, intending to judge him and certainly execute him before the Jews; having already killed James the brother of John with the sword.

Verse 5, “Peter was therefore kept in prison, but prayer was made without ceasing of the church to God for him.”

As we read record after record of miracles, healings and supernatural faith in the scriptures, of words of knowledge and wisdom, Prayer, without ceasing, usually precedes such demonstrations. Acts chapter 12 unfolds similarly.
Our Lord Jesus often arose “a great while before day” and prayed to the Father for many hours before ministering to the Judeans. Mark 1 v 35
The Lord Jesus never spoke in tongues. He always prayed with His understanding/mind. Tongues were first demonstrated on the day of Pentecost, by the twelve, in the temple at Jerusalem.

In the book of Acts, after the day of Pentecost, spirit-filled believers are seen constantly praying to the Father, and tremendous outpourings of the Spirit are witnessed in that book.
Ephesians chapter 6 v 18 encourages us to “Pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the Saints.”

So how do we pray without ceasing? I find that after 10 minutes of prayer in my understanding I am repeating the same thanksgivings and requests. The Apostle Paul encourages us, “I will pray with the spirit, I will pray with the understanding also.”
1 Corinthians chapter 14 v 15. We are encouraged to mix the two, to pray in tongues and then pray with our understanding, to pray again in tongues and more prayer in the understanding. This way we can pray constantly and without ceasing.

We pray in tongues and allow the Holy Spirit to make the intercession for us, according to the will of God with groanings which cannot be uttered ( by the natural mind) the Holy spirit having searched the hearts of those we pray for. Romans chapter 8v 26-27.
We then can pray for those individuals with our understanding, thanking the Father for His promises, His deliverance, to come to pass in their lives. Thus we have a constant stream of spiritual prayer and praise and thanksgiving : no strain, no repetition, usually no falling asleep!!!!!! but a peaceful, spiritual time of fellowship with the Father.

1 Corinthians chapter 14 v 14, Paul states “For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.” Because tongues are supernatural they by-pass your mind, your understanding. That means that the Holy Spirit takes care of the tongues but we have to filter what we think as we pray in tongues.

For myself, if I am praying in tongues for a person who has a need, I keep a picture of that person being blessed, joyful and delivered in my mind. Sometimes I see the Father’s loving arms entwined about them as they snuggle into Him. At other times I simply meditate on scriptures that I believe are relevant to that person’s deliverance. Tongues proceed from our spirit and by-pass our minds, it is our responsibility to keep our minds focused on the things of God as we speak/pray in tongues.

Prayer without ceasing does not make our Heavenly Father do anything but there are wonderful, supernatural consequences when we pray in tongues and in our understanding constantly. It is a supernatural demonstration in this sensual world we live in and the spirit will always triumph over the senses.

In our next “Thought for today” we will observe the spiritual consequences of “Prayer without ceasing” by the church on behalf of the imprisoned Peter in Acts chapter 12 v’s 6 to 10.
It is supernatural!

In the meantime, can I encourage you to pray without ceasing, both in tongues and in the understanding for those who need deliverance, that those who seek righteousness will be filled and that our brothers and sisters in Christ will grow to love the Father more each day? Be prepared! You will see wonderful, spiritual demonstrations as you pray without ceasing, motivated by love.

Have a glorious day!