+353 8961 46245 kervickpaul17@gmail.com

Giving is in our spiritual DNA. Our inward man, the spirit that, by grace, dwells within us yearns to give. Why? Because the source of that spirit is the greatest giver we have ever known.

John chapter 3 v 16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Giving is not exclusively financial, but includes: giving of one’s time to bless another, time spent in prayer for another and time spent praising the Father in spirit and in understanding. Giving is an expression of our love. “For God so loved the world that He gave..”

Can I encourage you to re-visit those scriptures shared in “Thought for today” entitled “Every man according as he purposes in his heart so let him give…” They are vital if we are to understand fully “the ministering to the saints” as set forth in 2 Corinthians chapter 9. I feel more detail must be shared on financial giving before we move on.

In the first century church, Paul and the other elders of the church instituted a “collection for the saints” whereby finances and goods were collected from cheerful givers(2 Corinthians 9 v 7) and then distributed to those saints who had needs(verse 12)
Today, very few, if any Christian organisations operate upon these biblical principles. The vast majority operate under charitable status, whereby they collect offerings but by law can only withdraw finances to pay for expenses incurred in the everyday running of that charity or for the purchase of property to build churches etc. They cannot, by law, take those offerings and distribute them to those who have a need.

Why? Because charitable status means they don’t have to pay tax on offerings received, they can recoup all sales taxes on expenses incurred and can even recoup taxpayers’ offerings from the Revenue Commissioners.
But we must ask the question – – – Is this charitable status biblical? Ask your pastor, elders if this is true.

I believe, as no such biblical entity exists today, our Heavenly Father desires us to give a portion of our abundance to bless the saints.

How much do we give? We live in the age of God’s grace, and ultimately our Father lets you make that decision, but the Apostle Paul encourages us.
1 Corinthians 16 v 2, Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered (benefitted) him…

Paul suggests that we put aside a sum, each week, having reflected on how much the Father has blessed us. That is all the scriptures tell us. I receive my pension payment on a Friday. Having meditated upon the Father’s blessings, I immediately place a portion of that payment in my “giving wallet”. How much? That is between the Father and me. I carry that giving money around with me at all times, you just never know when the Father or the Holy Spirit will prompt us to give.

If I attend a church and the collection basket comes my way I gladly take a portion of my giving money and place it in the basket. They have bills to pay, and if you attend can I encourage you to support them. How much? Ask the Father! Just enjoy giving.

If I attend a house fellowship that doesn’t ask for an offering I will use some of my giving money to buy cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee to bless everyone there.
How much? Ask the Father. Do I tell all and sundry that I brought the cakes etc? No! I just leave them in a bag in the kitchen. But the Father knows. It is the same with the collection basket, crumple up your cash and make sure no one sees how much you contribute. Mathew chapter 6 verses 1 to 4.
These are fabulous verses where our Lord Jesus teaches us about our attitude when giving. Can I encourage you to meditate upon them?

If we receive free biblical materials and teachings from Christian organisations, churches etc. I think it only just and fair that we should contribute to their costs, expenses etc. We are to keep in mind that they cannot distribute excess funds to saints that have needs.

Prayer and thanksgiving always precede righteous giving. In 1 Corinthians 16 v 2, Paul encourages us to meditate upon the Father’s blessings before we set aside our weekly amount to give. We are encouraged to be cheerful givers. 2 Corinthians 9 v 7.
And so to prayer. Paul encourages us to pray in the spirit(tongues) and to pray with the understanding also.1 Corinthians chapter 14 v 15.

Can I encourage you to pray in tongues to the Father, pray with your understanding also and ask Him: Who can I bless today Father? Who will benefit from your abundance? And then we wait and listen for the Holy Spirit to prompt our spirit to give.

What a joy it is to give to the saints! I thank the Father that as you give, He will increase your abundance so that you “may have an abundance for every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9 v 8
Yes, it is miraculous that as we give, the Father will increase our abundance so we can give more to the saints next time.

Have a glorious day!